Cdccl::arith::Model | |
Cdccl::arith::ModelManager | |
Cdccl::Codec | The Dynamic CCL enCODer/DECoder. This is the main class you will use to load, encode and decode DCCL messages. Many users will not need any other DCCL classes than this one |
Cdccl::DynamicConditions | |
Cdccl::DynamicProtobufManager | Helper class for creating google::protobuf::Message objects that are not statically compiled into the application |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecBase | Provides a base class for defining DCCL field encoders / decoders. Most users who wish to define custom encoders/decoders will use the RepeatedTypedFieldCodec, TypedFieldCodec or its children (e.g. TypedFixedFieldCodec) instead of directly inheriting from this class |
Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< WireType, FieldType, Enable > | A class that goes between FieldCodecBase and TypedFieldCodec to determine if the pre_encode() and post_decode() methods (which convert between WireType and FieldType) must be implemented or not |
Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< WireType, FieldType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< WireType, FieldType >::value > > | A class that goes between FieldCodecBase and TypedFieldCodec to determine if the pre_encode() and post_decode() methods must be implemented or not. The specialization is selected if WireType == FieldType and implements these functions as a pass-through |
Cdccl::v2::DefaultMessageCodec | Provides the default codec for encoding a base Google Protobuf message or an embedded message by calling the appropriate field codecs for every field |
Cdccl::v3::DefaultMessageCodec | Provides the default codec for encoding a base Google Protobuf message or an embedded message by calling the appropriate field codecs for every field |
Cdccl::v4::DefaultMessageCodec | Provides the default codec for encoding a base Google Protobuf message or an embedded message by calling the appropriate field codecs for every field |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< bool, bool > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< bool, bool > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< bool > | |
Cdccl::v2::DefaultBoolCodec | Provides a bool encoder. Uses 1 bit if field is required , 2 bits if optional |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< CustomMsg, CustomMsg > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< CustomMsg, CustomMsg > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< CustomMsg > | |
Cdccl::test::CustomCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< dccl::int32, dccl::int32 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< dccl::int32, dccl::int32 > | |
►Cdccl::RepeatedTypedFieldCodec< dccl::int32 > | |
Cdccl::test::Int32RepeatedCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< dccl::uint32, dccl::uint32 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< dccl::uint32, dccl::uint32 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< dccl::uint32 > | |
Cdccl::test::MicroModemMiniPacketDCCLIDCodec | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< dccl::uint32, dccl::uint32 > | |
►Cdccl::v2::DefaultNumericFieldCodec< dccl::uint32 > | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::FixAgeCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< dccl::uint64, dccl::uint64 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< dccl::uint64, dccl::uint64 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< dccl::uint64 > | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::TimeDateCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< double, double > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< double, double > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< double > | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::LatLonCompressedCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< float, float > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< float, float > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< float > | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::DepthCodec | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::HeadingCodec | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::HiResAltitudeCodec | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::SalinityCodec | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::SoundSpeedCodec | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::SpeedCodec | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::TemperatureCodec | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::VelocityCodec | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::WattsCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< int, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< int, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeFieldCodec< int, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::EnumFieldCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< int32, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< int32, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< int32, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::v2::DefaultNumericFieldCodec< int32, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
Cdccl::v2::DefaultEnumCodec | Provides an enum encoder. This converts the enumeration to an integer (based on the enumeration index (not its value) and uses DefaultNumericFieldCodec to encode the integer |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< Model::value_type, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< Model::value_type, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::RepeatedTypedFieldCodec< Model::value_type, const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::arith::ArithmeticFieldCodecBase< const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
Cdccl::arith::ArithmeticFieldCodec< const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< Model::value_type, Model::value_type > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< Model::value_type, Model::value_type > | |
►Cdccl::RepeatedTypedFieldCodec< Model::value_type, Model::value_type > | |
►Cdccl::arith::ArithmeticFieldCodecBase< FieldType > | |
Cdccl::arith::ArithmeticFieldCodec< FieldType > | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< protobuf::CCLMDATState::GFIPitchOil, protobuf::CCLMDATState::GFIPitchOil > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< protobuf::CCLMDATState::GFIPitchOil, protobuf::CCLMDATState::GFIPitchOil > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< protobuf::CCLMDATState::GFIPitchOil > | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::GFIPitchOilCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< std::string, std::string > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< std::string > | |
Cdccl::v2::DefaultBytesCodec | Provides an fixed length byte string encoder |
Cdccl::v2::DefaultStringCodec | Provides an variable length ASCII string encoder. Can encode strings up to 255 bytes by using a length byte preceeding the string |
Cdccl::v3::DefaultStringCodec | Provides an variable length ASCII string encoder |
Cdccl::v3::VarBytesCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< T, T > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< T, T > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< T > | |
Cdccl::v2::StaticCodec< T > | Placeholder codec that takes no space on the wire (0 bits) |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< time_wire_type, double > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< time_wire_type, double > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< time_wire_type, double > | |
►Cdccl::v2::DefaultNumericFieldCodec< time_wire_type, double > | |
►Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< double, 1 > | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodec< double > | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< time_wire_type, int64 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< time_wire_type, int64 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< time_wire_type, int64 > | |
►Cdccl::v2::DefaultNumericFieldCodec< time_wire_type, int64 > | |
►Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< int64, 1000000 > | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodec< int64 > | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< time_wire_type, TimeType > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< time_wire_type, TimeType > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< time_wire_type, TimeType > | |
►Cdccl::v2::DefaultNumericFieldCodec< time_wire_type, TimeType > | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< TimeType, conversion_factor > | Encodes time of day (default: second precision, but can be set with (dccl.field).precision extension) |
►Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< TimeType, 0 > | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodec< TimeType > | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< time_wire_type, uint64 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< time_wire_type, uint64 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< time_wire_type, uint64 > | |
►Cdccl::v2::DefaultNumericFieldCodec< time_wire_type, uint64 > | |
►Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< uint64, 1000000 > | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodec< uint64 > | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< uint32, uint32 > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< uint32 > | |
►Cdccl::DefaultIdentifierCodec | Provides the default 1 byte or 2 byte DCCL ID codec |
Cdccl::legacyccl::IdentifierCodec | |
Cdccl::test::UserCustomIdCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< WireType, WireType > | |
Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< WireType, FieldType > | Base class for static-typed (no dccl::any) field encoders/decoders. Most single-valued user defined variable length codecs will start with this class. Use TypedFixedFieldCodec if your codec is fixed length (always uses the same number of bits on the wire) or RepeatedTypedFieldCodec if your codec has special behavior for repeated (vector) fields |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< WireType, WireType > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeFieldCodec< WireType, DeclaredType, FieldType > | |
Cdccl::RepeatedTypedFieldCodec< WireType, FieldType > | Base class for "repeated" (multiple value) static-typed (no dccl::any) field encoders/decoders. Use TypedFixedFieldCodec if your codec is fixed length (always uses the same number of bits on the wire). Use TypedFieldCodec if your fields are always singular ("optional" or "required"). Singular fields are default implemented in this codec by calls to the equivalent repeated function with an empty or single valued vector |
Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< WireType, FieldType > | Base class for static-typed field encoders/decoders that use a fixed number of bits on the wire regardless of the value of the field. Use TypedFieldCodec if your encoder is variable length. See TypedFieldCodec for an explanation of the template parameters (FieldType and WireType) |
►Cdccl::TypedFixedFieldCodec< WireType, WireType > | |
►Cdccl::v2::DefaultNumericFieldCodec< WireType, FieldType > | Provides a basic bounded arbitrary length numeric (double, float, uint32, uint64, int32, int64) encoder |
Cdccl::test::TestCodec | |
Cdccl::v3::DefaultEnumCodec | Provides an enum encoder. This converts the enumeration to an integer and uses DefaultNumericFieldCodec to encode the integer. Note that by default, the value is based on the enumeration index (not its value. If you wish to allocate space for all values between a lower and upper bound (for future expansion of the enumeration values, for instance) then set the (dccl.field).packed_enum extension to false. The enumerate value will then be used for encoding |
Cdccl::v4::HashCodec | |
►Cdccl::FieldCodecSelector< WrappedType::wire_type, WrappedType::field_type > | |
►Cdccl::TypedFieldCodec< WrappedType::wire_type, WrappedType::field_type > | |
Cdccl::v3::PresenceBitCodec< WrappedType > | Encodes empty optional fields with a single "presence" bit |
Cdccl::FieldCodecManager | |
Cdccl::FieldCodecManagerLocal | A class for managing the various field codecs. Here you can add and remove field codecs. The DCCL Codec and DefaultMessageCodec use the find() methods to locate the appropriate field codec |
Cdccl::internal::CodecData | |
Cdccl::internal::DefaultFieldCodecLoader< version > | |
Cdccl::internal::DefaultFieldCodecLoader< CODEC_VERSION > | |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< CppType > | |
►Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppTypeBase | Provides various representations of a google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CppType enumeration, and ways to access the google::protobuf::Reflection object for a given type |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL > | |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE > | |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM > | |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT > | |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32 > | |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64 > | |
►Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE > | Implements FromProtoCppTypeBase for CPPTYPE_MESSAGE using the dynamic google::protobuf::Message as the underlying class |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCustomMessage< CustomMessage > | Implements FromProtoCppTypeBase for CPPTYPE_MESSAGE using a specific statically generated Protobuf class |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING > | |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32 > | |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoCppType< google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64 > | |
►Cdccl::internal::FromProtoTypeBase | Provides various representations of a google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::Type enumeration. Implementations are provided for all enumerations |
Cdccl::internal::FromProtoType< t > | |
Cdccl::internal::HashCodecLoader< version > | |
Cdccl::internal::MessageStack | |
Cdccl::internal::MessageStackData | |
Cdccl::internal::MessageStackData::MessageAndField | |
Cdccl::internal::PresenceCodecLoader< version > | |
Cdccl::internal::StaticCodecLoader< version > | |
Cdccl::internal::StaticCodecLoader< CODEC_VERSION > | |
Cdccl::internal::TimeCodecLoader< version > | |
Cdccl::internal::TimeCodecLoader< CODEC_VERSION > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< T > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< bool > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< const google::protobuf::EnumValueDescriptor * > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< double > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< float > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< google::protobuf::int32 > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< google::protobuf::int64 > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< google::protobuf::Message > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< google::protobuf::uint32 > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< google::protobuf::uint64 > | |
Cdccl::internal::ToProtoCppType< std::string > | |
Cdccl::internal::TypeHelper | Provides FromProtoTypeBase and FromProtoCppTypeBase type identification helper classes for various representations of the underlying field |
Cdccl::internal::VarBytesCodecLoader< version > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, DeclaredType > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, DeclaredType > | |
Cdccl::Option | Represents a command line option |
Cdccl::test::UserCustomIdRAII | |
Cdccl::tool::Config | |
►Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecClock | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< TimeType, conversion_factor > | Encodes time of day (default: second precision, but can be set with (dccl.field).precision extension) |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< double, 1 > | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< int64, 1000000 > | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< TimeType, 0 > | |
Cdccl::v2::TimeCodecBase< uint64, 1000000 > | |
CDummyClock< fixed_time_usec > | |
►CCodeGenerator | |
CDCCLGenerator | |
CMultiFileErrorCollector | |
►CMessage | |
CArithmeticOptions | |
Cdccl::arith::protobuf::ArithmeticModel | |
Cdccl::DCCLFieldOptions | |
Cdccl::DCCLFieldOptions_Conditions | |
Cdccl::DCCLFieldOptions_Units | |
Cdccl::DCCLMessageOptions | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATBathy | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATCommand | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATCTD | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATEmpty | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATError | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATRedirect | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATState | |
Cdccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATState_GFIPitchOil | |
CLegacyCCLFieldOptions | |
Clpb_Env | |
Clpb_Slice | |
Clpb_State | |
Clpb_Value | |
Cpb_Buffer | |
Cpb_Cache | |
Cpb_CacheSlot | |
Cpb_Entry | |
Cpb_Field | |
Cpb_HeapBuffer | |
Cpb_NameEntry | |
Cpb_NameTable | |
Cpb_Pool | |
Cpb_Slice | |
Cpb_State | |
Cpb_Table | |
Cpb_Type | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< int, DeclaredType > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_BOOL > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_DOUBLE > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_ENUM > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED32 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_FIXED64 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_FLOAT > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT32 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT64 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED32 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_SFIXED64 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT32 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_SINT64 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT32 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32 > | |
►Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelperBase< WireType, google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::TYPE_UINT64 > | |
Cdccl::native_protobuf::PrimitiveTypeHelper< WireType, google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64 > | |
Cprotobuf_dccl_2fapps_2fpb_5fplugin_2foption_5fextensions_2eproto::TableStruct | |
Cprotobuf_dccl_2farithmetic_2fprotobuf_2farithmetic_2eproto::TableStruct | |
Cprotobuf_dccl_2farithmetic_2fprotobuf_2farithmetic_5fextensions_2eproto::TableStruct | |
Cprotobuf_dccl_2fccl_2fprotobuf_2fccl_2eproto::TableStruct | |
Cprotobuf_dccl_2fccl_2fprotobuf_2fccl_5fextensions_2eproto::TableStruct | |
Cprotobuf_dccl_2foption_5fextensions_2eproto::TableStruct | |
Cprotobuf_dccl_2fprotobuf_2foption_5fextensions_2eproto::TableStruct | |
Csol::as_args_t< T > | |
Csol::as_container_t< T > | |
Csol::as_table_t< T > | |
Csol::basic_coroutine< base_t > | |
Csol::basic_environment< base_t > | |
Csol::basic_function< T, bool > | |
Csol::basic_lightuserdata< base_t > | |
Csol::basic_object< base_t > | |
Csol::basic_protected_function< T, bool, H > | |
Csol::basic_reference< b > | |
Csol::basic_table_core< bool, T > | |
Csol::basic_thread< base_t > | |
Csol::basic_userdata< base_t > | |
Csol::filter_wrapper< F, Filters > | |
Csol::light< T > | |
Csol::nested< T > | |
Csol::protect_t< T > | |
Csol::proxy< Table, Key > | |
Csol::proxy_base< Super > | |
Csol::simple_usertype< T > | |
Csol::unique_usertype_traits< T > | |
Csol::user< T > | |
Csol::usertype< T > | |
Csol::usertype_traits< T > | |
►Cstd::deque< T > | STL class |
Cdccl::Bitset | A variable size container of bits (subclassed from std::deque<bool>) with an optional hierarchy. Similar to set::bitset but can be resized at runtime and has the ability to have parent Bitsets that can give bits to their children |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
►Cstd::logic_error | STL class |
►Cstd::out_of_range | STL class |
Cdccl::OutOfRangeException | |
►Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
►Cdccl::Exception | Exception class for DCCL |
Cdccl::NullValueException | Exception used to signal null (non-existent) value within field codecs during decode |
►Cstd::ios_base | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
►Cstd::ostream | STL class |
Cdccl::Logger | The DCCL Logger class. Do not instantiate this class directly. Rather, use the dccl::dlog object |
►Cstreambuf | |
Cdccl::internal::LogBuffer | |
►Ctrue_type | |
Cgoogle::protobuf::is_proto_enum< ::dccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATCommand_Command > | |
Cgoogle::protobuf::is_proto_enum< ::dccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATRedirect_ThrustMode > | |
Cgoogle::protobuf::is_proto_enum< ::dccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATRedirect_VerticalMode > | |
Cgoogle::protobuf::is_proto_enum< ::dccl::legacyccl::protobuf::CCLMDATState_MissionMode > | |
Cbool | |